My Ultimate Dryland Set-Up

If you’re looking for the ultimate dryland ski simulator for performance skiing or racing, then, I believe this set-up is the answer.

  • Harb Carvers
  • Dodge Boots

I just broke out my Harb Carvers for the first time this season. (I know, it’s a late start!)

Then, out on to the street. I noticed within 4 turns a HUGE DIFFERENCE at how much more quickly the Carvers responded to the Dodge Boots compared to my old Dobies.

There is a more noticeable difference on the Carvers than on skis (in my opinion). I don’t know why, but Harald or someone who understands such things can probably explain it. I just know what I felt!

So, if you already own a pair of Carvers, here’s another reason to consider Dodge Boots!

Here are the EXPERTSHarald Harb (the inventor) and Jay Peterson (a PMTS Coach) on Harb Carvers.  What fun…. eh?

[pro-player width=”400″ height=”300″][/pro-player]


The Carvers work with any ski boot.  I used mine with Nordica Dobies for 3 years.

You’ll not find anything that simulates skiing as well as the carvers.

For more info about Harb Carvers, CLICK HERE….

For more info about Dodge Boots, CLICK HERE…


  1. Bill Doble on October 10, 2011 at 4:42 am

    Hi Art,

    Funny that I saw your post today, as this weekend I was speaking with a racer in New Hampshire who was planning to test DODGE boots using his Harb Carvers!

    I suspect the difference in responsiveness for the DODGE over “rubber” boots will even more dramatic on the Harbs than on snow simply because of ambient temperatures. Specifically, the DODGE always maintains its progressive flex, no matter the temperature, and a “rubber” boot is going to be especially “spongy” in the warmer weather you find when using the Harb Carver.

    It will be interesting to hear from other Harb Carver/DODGE users.


  2. Art on October 10, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Hey Bill,

    Thanks for commenting and providing analysis. I thought the quick response might have to do with how much lighter in weight the Dodge boots are in comparison to standard boots, thus making it much more quick to tip. I never thought about the consistent flex. It makes total sense.

    If you get video the NH racer in Dodge/Carver set-up, we’ll be happy to post on the site.

    Thanks again, — Art

    • Harald on October 11, 2011 at 2:22 pm

      Nicely done! I’m still back east, it’s like summer here, be back Saturday.

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